






2003-2013年,德国海德堡大学,研究硕士(2010),博士(summa cum laude, 2013)。





(2017)德国海德堡大学国际青年学者奖项Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award。

(2015)德国专业协会青年学者奖项Ernst Wolf奖(双年奖)。



德国海德堡大学Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award国际评审专家;


Distinctio: Journal of Intersubjective Studies国际咨询会委员(克罗地亚黑格尔协会期刊);











2019a,《博睿汉语神学年鉴》(Brill Yearbook of Chinese Theology)第5期客座编辑。


2014, Barth und Goethe. Die Goethe-Rezeption Karl Barths 1906-1921, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlagshaus.

1) Reviewed by Frank Jehle (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland), Reformierte Presse. Wochenzeitung der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirchen der deutschsprachigen Schweiz,Nr. 6; 6. Februar 2015;

2) Reviewed by Clifford Anderson (Vanderbilt University, USA), Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture, Volume 10, Number 2, 2014, 118-120;

3) Review by Georg Langenhorst (University of Augsburg, Germany), http://www.theologie-und-literatur.de (2015);

4) Review by Konrad Hammann (University of Muenster, Germany), Theologische Literaturzeitung, November/2015, 1263-1264;

5) Review by Eberhard Busch (University of Gottingen, Germany), Scottish Journal of Theology, Volume 69 (2016), Issue 3, 366-368.

2010,《多元主义中的教会》(Michael Welker),北京:中国社会科学出版社。

2010(合译),《基督教在华传教史》(Kenneth Scott Latourette),香港:道风书社。

2009,《教会史》(Eusebius, newly trans. by Paul L. Maier),北京:三联书店(2019年第6次印刷)。

2006,《信仰的危机》(Stanley Romaine Hoppe),北京:宗教文化出版社(2022年再版)。

2004,《克尔凯廓尔传》(S. L. Anderson),北京:中华书局,2004(2014年再版)(北京:清华大学出版社,2019年新版)。

2004(合译),《世界宗教》(Ninian Smart),北京:北京大学出版社。

2002,《苏格拉底传》(Hope May),北京:中华书局,2002(2014年再版)(北京:清华大学出版社,2019年新版)。

2002(合译),《基督教伦理学》(Karl H. Peschke),上海:三联书店。


2022a, “Gleichnis wagen”: Karl Barth’s Political Theology and its Meaning for the Church-State Relationship in Mainland China Today, in: Theo-Politics? Conversing with Barth in Western and Asian Contexts, edited by Markus Höfner, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books-Fortress Academic, 2022, 295-314.

2022b, A Renaissance of Confucian Family? A Preliminary Observation upon Current Discourses about Family in Contemporary China, in: John Witte, Michael Welker, Stephen Pickard (eds.), The Impact of the Family On Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2022, 333-343.

2022c, 信任:“之间的”汉语神学与多学科研究初探,《道风:基督教文化评论》第57期,2022年秋,21-38。



2021a, 求真共同体和神学与跨学科研究:以德国海德堡大学国际跨学科神学研究中心为例,载于:杨熙楠、谢志斌 编,《跨学科研究与汉语神学》,香港:汉语基督教文化研究所,225-256。

2021b, 天下、三重世界与上帝国:对中国基督教的社会、思想和文化处境的初步观察,《文化中国》, 2021年第1期(总第106期),62-72。

2021c,“且行且思的朝圣路:我的神学朝圣之旅”,载于:林鸿信 编著,《神学旅人:神学人的朝圣之旅》,台北:校园书房出版社,230-249(参2020a和2020b)。

2021d, “之外”与之间:汉语神学何以为神学?如何说汉语?,《汉语基督教文化研究所:二十五周年纪念特刊(1995-2020)》2-3。

2021e, 求真共同体和神学与跨学科研究:以德国海德堡大学国际跨学科神学研究中心为例,载于:杨熙楠、杨慧林 编,《中西典籍的互译与互释》,香港:汉语基督教文化研究所,61-91(=2021a)。

2020a, “他必兴旺,我必衰微”:神学是一条充满冒险的朝圣路,《世代》2020年第2期,总第11期,114-125。

2020b, 留德十年:我的神学之旅,“学术与社会”微信公众号“博士论文”专栏,2020年8月13日推送。

2020c, Kritischer müsste Kants Kritik sein: Eine nachkantische Interpretation von Barths Beziehung zu Kant unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Religionskritik Barths, in: Markus Höfner und Benedikt Friedrich (Hg.), Gottes Gegenwart – God’s Presence: Festschrift für Günter Thomas zum 60. Geburtstag, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2020, 53-68.


2019a, A Critical Survey of Karl Barth’s Goethe-Reception, Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2019, Volume 5, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019, 153-171.

2019b, (with Paulos Huang), Editorial: Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology, Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2019, Volume 5, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019, VII-XV (partly = 2019d).


2019d,A Model of “Creating by Returning to the Original”: Rethinking Karl Barth’s Theology in a Chinese Context, Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, No. 41, Spring 2019, 9-18 (partly = 2019b).




2018b,一种以基督论为导向的关于自然的神学和自然权利学说:朋霍费尔《伦理学》“自然的生命”章疏解,载于:邓绍光 主编,《解读潘霍华<伦理学>》,香港:德慧文化,2018,271-304。






2016b,“In the drawing power of Goethe’s sun”: A Preliminary Investigation into the Goethe Reception of Albert Schweitzer, in: Albert Schweitzer in Thought and Action: A Life in Parts, ed. by James Carleton Paget and Michael James Thate, (Albert Schweitzer Library), Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2016, 216-233.


2015b,普遍与特殊:从蒂利希与巴特一九二三年的争论看两人神学立场与进路的差异,《道风·汉语基督教文化评论》(第43期),2015年秋,151-178(A&HCI)(cf. 2013)。



2014a,Karl Barths Tambacher Vortrag aus dem Blickwinkel seiner Goethe-rezeption, Zeitschrift für Dialektische Theologie,2014, Heft 60, Jahrgang 30, Nr. 1, 153-172 (= Qu 2014, 180-196).


2013,Geist und Wort. Die biblisch-hermeneutische Entscheidung Karl Barths aus dem Blickwinkel seiner Goethe-Rezeption 1918-1922, in: Gottes Geist und menschlicher Geist, hrsg. von Gregor Etzelmüller und Heike Springhart, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2013, 81-89.

Curriculum Vitae

Associate Prof. Dr. Thomas Xutong Qu (瞿旭彤)

Tenured Associate Professor of Christian Studies and Continental Philosophy (since October 2020)

Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

Email: quxutong@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn.

Major Academic Experiences

(2016-2020) Associate Professor, Director, Institute of Religion and Culture, School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.

(2017-2018) Visiting Scholar, Center for Barth Studies, Princeton, USA.

(2013-2016) Assistant Professor, Institute of Foreign Philosophy and Culture, School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.

(2013) Dr. (summa cum laude), University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.

(2010) Master, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.

(2002) Master of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China.

(2001) Visiting Scholar, Drew University, New Jersey, USA.

(2000-2001) Chief in Editor, Graduate Students’ Journal of Peking University, Peking University, Beijing, China.

(1998) Bachelor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China.

Major Research Interests

Modern and Contemporary German Christian Theology (Barth, Bonhoeffer);

Modern and Contemporary German Philosophy (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Luhmann);

Ancient Greek Philosophy (Aristotle);

History of Chinese Christian Thoughts (Sino-Christian Theology, “Neo-Denominization” of Christianity in China);

Metaphysics and Philosophical Theology.

Major Academic Awards

(2017) Manfred Lautenschläger Award for Theological Promise, Heidelberg, Germany.

(2015) Ernst Wolf Preis zur Förderung des Theologischen Nachwuchses, Gesellschaft für Evangelische Theologie, Germany.

Monography, Edited Volume, Special Issue, and Translated Work:

(2022) Peripheries and Centers [History of Chinese Christianity around Anti-Christian Movement], Journal for the Study of Christian Culture (48).

(2022) Trust: Sino-Christian Theology “In-Between” and a Preliminary Multidisciplinary Study, Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology (57).

(2019) Karl Barth and Chinese Context, Journal for the Study of Christian Culture (41).

(2019) Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology, Brill Yearbook of Chinese Theology (5).

(2014) Barth und Goethe. Die Goethe-Rezeption Karl Barths 1906-1921, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlagshaus.

1) Reviewed by Frank Jehle (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland) Reformierte Presse. Wochenzeitung der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirchen der deutschsprachigen Schweiz,Nr. 6; 6. Februar 2015.

2) Reviewed by Clifford Anderson (Vanderbilt University, USA), Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture, Volume 10, Number 2, 2014, 118-120;

3) Reviewed by Konrad Hammann (University of Muenster, Germany), Theologische Literaturzeitung, November/2015, 1263-1264;

4) Reviewed by Eberhard Busch (University of Goettingen, Germany), Scottish Journal of Theology, Volume 69 (2016), Issue 3, 366-368.

(2010, translation) Kirche im Pluralismus (Michael Welker), Beijing: China Social Science Press.

(2009, translation) Church History (Eusebius, trans. By Paul L. Maier), Beijing: Three-Joint Press (the sixth edition in 2019).

(2004, translation) Soren Kierkegaard (S. L. Anderson), Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company (new edition, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2019).

(2002, translation) Socrates (Hope May), Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company (new edition, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2019).

Selected Articles since 2013

(2022a) “Gleichnis wagen”: Karl Barth’s Political Theology and its Meaning for the Church-State Relationship in Mainland China Today, in: Theo-Politics? Conversing with Barth in Western and Asian Contexts, edited by Markus Höfner, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books-Fortress Academic, 2022, 295-314.

(2022b) A Renaissance of Confucian Family? A Preliminary Observation upon Current Discourses about Family in Contemporary China, in: John Witte, Michael Welker, Stephen Pickard (eds.), The Impact of the Family On Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2022, 333-343.

(2022c) Trust: Sino-Christian Theology “In-Between” and a Preliminary Multidisciplinary Study, Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology 57, 21-38 (in Chinese).

(2022d) Peripheries and Centers: A Theoretic Perspective and Research Method for Historical Studies of Chinese Christianity, Journal for the Study of Christian Culture (48) (in Chinese, forthcoming).

(2021) Under the Heaven, Threefold Word and the Kingdom of God: Preliminary Observations on Social, Intellectual, and Culture Context of Chinese Christianity, Cultural China 106, 62-72 (in Chinese).

(2020) Kritischer müsste Kants Kritik sein: Eine nachkantische Interpretation von Barths Beziehung zu Kant unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Religionskritik Barths, in: Markus Höfner und Benedikt Friedrich (Hg.), Gottes Gegenwart – God’s Presence: Festschrift für Günter Thomas zum 60. Geburtstag, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2020, 53-68.

(2019a) A Critical Survey of Karl Barth’s Goethe-Reception, Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2019, Volume 5, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019, 153-171.

(2019b) A Model of “Creating by Returning to the Original”: Rethinking Karl Barth’s Theology in a Chinese Context, Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 41, 9-18.

(2019c) After Nietzsche: How Could Do Sino-Christian Theology Today?, in: Pneuma and Logos: Chinese Journal of Theology 50, 155-182 (in Chinese).

(2018a) A Christologically Orientated Theology of the Natural and Teaching of Natural Rights: A Commentary on “Natural Life” in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics, in: A Companion to Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics, edited by Andres Tang, Hong Kong: VW Link, 271-304. (in Chinese).

(2018b) Heidegger’s Phenomenological Interpretation of Paul’s Letters from the Viewpoint of the Problem of the Historical, Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 40, 27-50 (in Chinese).

(2017) Why and How to Remember the 500th Anniversary of Reformation, Explorations and Free Views 10, 86-91 (in Chinese).

(2016a) Much More Liberal and Liberal Theology: Karl Barth’s Theological Difference from Liberal Theology with Special Reference of His Understanding of Sachlichkeit und Wissenschaftlichkeit of Theology, Journal of Comparative Scripture 12, 91-112 (in Chinese).

(2016b) “In the drawing power of Goethe’s sun”. A Preliminary Investigation into the Goethe Reception of Albert Schweitzer, in: Albert Schweitzer in Thought and Action: A Life in Parts, ed. by James Carleton Paget and Michael James Thate, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2016, 216-233.

(2015a) Universality and Specialty: Theological Differences between Paul Tillich and Karl Barth based on Their Controversy in 1923, Pneuma and Logos: Chinese Journal of Theology 43, 151-178 (in Chinese).

(2015b) Universality and Specialty: Karl Barth’s Hermeneutic Decisions in Three Forewords to His Commentaries on Romans, Pneuma and Logos: Chinese Journal of Theology 42, 69-83 (in Chinese).

(2014) Karl Barths Tambacher Vortrag aus dem Blickwinkel seiner Goethe-rezeption, Zeitschrift für Dialektische Theologie,Heft 60 Jahrgang 30 Nr. 1, 153-172.

(2014) The Translation of Christian C1assics in the Chinese Christian church and Its Cultural Responsibility, International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 7, 59-67 (in Chinese).

(2013) Geist und Wort. Die biblisch-hermeneutische Entscheidung Karl Barths aus dem Blickwinkel seiner Goethe-Rezeption 1918-1922, in: Gottes Geist und menschlicher Geist, hrsg. von Gregor Etzelmüller und Heike Springhart, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2013, 81-89.

Academic Membership

Chinese Association of Modern Foreign Philosophy (Council Member);

Disctinctio: Journal of Intersubjective Studies (Advisory Board);

Gesellschaft für Evangelische Theologie, Germany;

Global Network for Research Centers of Theology, Religious and Christian Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany (International Evaluation Board, Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise);

Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, Hong Kong, China (Academic Committee; Adjunct Professor)

Karl Barth-Gesellschaft, Germany;

Rixin Library (Academic Committee, Beijing: The Commercial Press);

Series of Discernment between Antiquity und Modernity (Academic Committee, New Taipei City: Chinese Christian Literature Council);

Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy (Associate Editor in Chief).