职位:副教授/ 清华大学-阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑学中心青年研究院(http://tsinghualogic.net/JRC/?page_id=2395).
联系方式:oi19870727@gmail.com/ yuanai@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
袁艾,女,2018年获得牛津大学东方研究所博士,主要从事“先秦道家哲学”,“比较伦理学”,以及“先秦修辞学与交流学”的研究,并教授相关课程。论文“Laughter in the Zhuangzi”获得国际中国哲学协会付伟勋基金会(ISCP Charles Fu Foundation),亚洲及比较哲学协会(SACP)青年学者论文一等奖。论文“Filial Piety in the Zhuangzi”欧洲中国哲学协会(EACP)青年学者论文二等奖。自2020年起,袁艾担任《国际儒学》(中英文)的责任编辑。目前正在承担的基金项目有,全国哲学社会科学青年基金项目《庄子命运观的跨文化研究》,以及北京市哲学社会科学青年学术带头人项目《默言:跨文化视野下的中国修辞逻辑》。
期刊论文和书章 :
1. “Toleration and Justice in the Laozi: Engaging with Tao Jiang’s Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China." Philosophy East and West Forthcoming 2023. (A&HCI)
2. 《跨文化视野下“沉默”在早期中国的开展与实践》,《船山学刊》,2022 待刊。
3. Rhetorical Questions in the Daodejing: Argument Construction, Dialogical Insertion, and Sentimental Expression. Religions 2022, 13, 252. (A&HCI)
4. “The Performance of Silence in Early China: The Yanzi chunqiu and Beyond”, Early China 44, 2021:321-250. (A&HCI)
5. “Laughter in Early China, The Zhuangzi and Beyond”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 84(2), 2021: 321-340. (A&HCI)
6. “Timeliness in the Huainanzi”, in Dao and Time – Classical Philosophy, edited by Livia Kohn, Saint Petersburg: Three Pines Press, 2021: 177-193.
7. “Courage and Well-Being in the Zhuangzi”, in a special issue: Cross-cultural Studies in Well-Being, a special journal issue in Science, Religion & Culture, guest edited by Owen Flanagan and Wenqing Zhao, Vol.6, no.1, 2019: 85-95.
8. “If Moral Experts, What Do They Tell Others? Answers for Dilemmas from Early Chinese Expertise Zhuangzi and Confucius”, in Moral Expertise: New Essays from Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Jamie Carlin Watson and Laura Guidry-Grimes, 2018: 143-156.
1. Dao Companion to the Philosophy of the Daodejing, Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy Series, Springer, 2023. Co-edited with Liu Xiaogan, Beijing Normal University. This book provides the ideal overview for scholars and students new to the field, and is the first stop in learning ideas about the most recent advances in the study of Daodejing, Daoism, Chinese Philosophy, and Comparative philosophy.
2. The Panorama of Silence in Early Chinese Philosophy (co-written with Avital Rom, Cambridge University, and Dirk Meyer, Oxford University). This book (and an attached conference) will discuss early Chinese conceptualisations of silence in Chinese philosophy from three complementary angles, 'verbal silence' 'structural silence' (Dirk Meyer), 'aural silence' (Avital Rom). With this book we seek to develop a comprehensive picture of the rhetorical function of silence in early Chinese argumentative texts.