哲学系海外学者短期讲学:Games, Computation and Complexity

【课程名称】Games, Computation and Complexity

【主讲教师】Peter van Emde Boas



【学 分】1学分(记非学位课学分)



Peter van Emde Boas 荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学 逻辑与计算方向教授。


The study of games invokes ideas from many different areas if scientific research: Philosophy, Mathematics, Computer Science, Logic, Psychology and Economics. In this short course the use of arguments, specifically from Mathematics, Logic and Computer Science will be illustrated, focussing on four by now rather classic topics in Computation and Complexity theory (classic because these topics all have a history of more than 20 years).



Course 1: Problems about games and mathematical solutions

Course 2: PSPACE and its relation to games

Course 3: Interactive protocols

Course 4: The evasiveness problem for graph properties